Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Yudelka Tapia Joining Forces with Victor Pichardo?

Victor Pichardo and Yudelka Tapia @ Bronx Centennial KickOff - January 9, 2014
Picture by www.100percentbronx.blogspot.com
Word on the street is that Yudelka Tapia, Female District Leader for the 86th Assembly District in the NW Bronx, is joining her former political rival and eventual winner Victor Pichardo in the upcoming September 2014 primaries as she seeks to keep her District Leader seat.

Yocasta Polanco
One of her potential challengers is Yocasta Polanco, former State Committeewoman under former disgraced Assemblyman Nelson Castro. Polanco has been rallying up troops from Castro's camp, which for better or worse, remain active in community issues. Recently, Congressman Rangel was the guest speaker at the William Jefferson Clinton Democratic Club, which she serves as one of its leaders. Polanco is also part of the team led by Male District Leader Steve Santana and potential candidate for State Senate (33rd District) Manny Tavarez.

When asked about Tapia's decision to join with Assemblyman Pichardo's slate, one of the former candidates for State Assembly stated that "she [Tapia] will do whatever she needs to do to stay as District Leader and/or be elected into office, even if that includes selling her soul to the devil."  A Bronx political operative with knowledge of this scenario stated that "Tapia and Pichardo are talking" and further added that "Tapia knows what's best for her."

We tried reaching out to Hector Ramirez and Haile Rivera, two of the other candidates who ran in last year's Democratic primaries against Pichardo. Ramirez did not respond to our email and Rivera simply stated that "I'm focused in my family and whatever Yudelka decides to do is her decision to live with."

Ramirez has been reaching out to folks in his effort to challenge Pichardo while Rivera has been rumored to be potentially seeking the District Leader. There are also several names floating around for this position (more on that later).

As far as who will County Chairman Carl Heastie support (Tapia or Polanco) remains to be seen but we suspect that they will rather have nothing to do with anyone who is tied to Nelson Castro. On the other hand, Tapia still has that $108,000 fine pending with the New York City Campaign Finance Board for failure to account for $60,000 in matching funds received from her unsuccessful 2009 City Council run. Not sure how Heastie is able to back Tapia with this heavy baggage (we confirmed with the NYCCFB last week that this matter remains pending).

Politics, particularly in the Bronx, is unpredictable and yes, interesting. Stay tuned for more updates on this race!

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Rangel Seeks Support in NW Bronx

This past Saturday, Congressman Charles Rangel was in the Bronx, meeting and seeking the support of the William Jefferson Clinton Democratic Club, relatively unknown political club that once was led by disgraced Bronx (former) Assemblyman Nelson Castro and his associates.

Rangel was accompanied by Councilwoman Inez Dickens, which leads us to believe that maybe the Congressman is prepping Dickens to take over the seat when he retires, assuming he wins the upcoming June primary against his strongest challenger, State Senator Adriano Espaillat.

The meeting was held at the residence of community activist David Williams on Creston Avenue and was led by former Castro staffers, current NW Bronx District Leader Steve Santana and former district leader Yocasta Polanco. Castro's former Chief of Staff, Krystal Nieves was also one of the coordinators. Many political operatives we talked to, said that it would be of no surprise if Castro himself is playing an active, yet behind-the-scences role in the district. Some have seen the former Assemblyman holding bi-weekly meetings in an undisclosed location on the Grand Concourse.

Congressman Charles Rangel with District Leader
Steve Santana and Manny Tavarez
It caught our attention the presence of Manny Tavarez, who challenged State Senator Gustavo Rivera in 2012 and despite coming up short, many were surprised he obtained over 35 percent of the votes. Word in the street is that Tavarez is eyeing another run against Rivera. This could prove to be an uphill battle as NW Bronx Councilman Fernando Cabrera is seriously considering challenging Rivera. Another possibility for Tavarez would be running for State Assembly and challenging Victor 'Levergate' Pichardo. This would put Tavarez on a collision course with Hector Ramirez, who came in a close second in last year's election. We also hear that former Obama campaign staffer and candidate himself, Haile Rivera (no relation to Senator Rivera) will be supporting Ramirez in September and will run as District Leader.  No word on Yudelka Tapia and her political ambitions but when we consulted with the City's Campaign Finance Board, Tapia's $108,000 debt remains unresolved.

While only a group of 15-20 residents were on hand for the meeting, it is clear that Congressman Rangel is seeking support from anyone and everyone who can help him in his re-election efforts. Without Castro, it is questionable how much influence or political muscle this club has in the district.

No official word on what Espaillat's Bronx outreach efforts may be. Our 'consultants' do tell us that it is highly unlikely, and a major mistake for Espaillat to be involved with this group given their close ties to Castro (who remains to be sentenced for perjury charges).

CBP will remain vigilant and post any updates as we receive information. Stay tuned ...

Monday, February 10, 2014

Benjamin, Michaels, Alvarez & Blake: The 79th Assembly District

Former Assemblyman Michael Benjamin
As every Bronxite political junkie, even novice, know by now, former Assemblyman Eric Stevenson was convicted and immediately removed from his seat in the 79th Assembly District, which covers the Morrisania and East Tremont sections of the Bronx. So yes, another Bronx politician is found guilty of corruption and has earned the title of disgraced and convicted.
George Alvarez for State Assembly Facebook Page

That being said, who will run for the 79th AD (whenever the Governor decides to call an election) which may not happen until September primaries? Numerous respected names have been floated around such as former Assemblyman Michael Benjamin, who has recently moved back to the district;    attorney Marsha Michaels (no link found), political consultant George Alvarez and last but not least, Michael Blake, former Obama campaign operative and White House staffer from 2009-2011.

Alvarez, while relatively an unknown in the community, might pull the Latino votes and could be a key player in the outcome of the race. Whoever wants to have a serious opportunity of winning, should be reaching out to Alvares. Although we suspect Bronx Party Boss Carl Heastie will, if he has not done so already, be reaching out and ... 'work it out'.

While all the possible candidates seem to be well-respected and each have its own merits and accomplishments, our bet is on Blake, who will help the Bronx Democratic Party's reputation, especially after the De Blasio and Mark-Viverito's horrendous and embarrassing campaigns. Blake is highly regarded given his on-the-ground work while in the White House. His campaign would also bring some needed fresh air to the residents of the 79th.

Bronx Dem Chair Heastie definitely has his work cut out for him and his District Leaders.

Thanks Kappy for the mention ...

Tuesday, February 4, 2014

The Future of Progressive Politics in The Bronx: Ritchie Torres

Richie Torres. (William Alatriste/NYC Council)
By Gloria Pazmino (Capital NY) February 4, 2014

He's only 25 years old, but freshman councilman Ritchie Torres of the Bronx has played his political cards like a veteran.
Alone among the Bronx delegation, Torres went against the county Democratic leader to back Melissa Mark-Viverito for Council speaker. The benefits followed quickly, as Torres was appointed chairman of the Council's public housing committee and was given an important deputy leader position.
Torres knows the hard part is yet to come.

"Party vs. Gustavo still percolating" by Bob Kappstatter (Bronx Times)

Party vs. Gustavo still percolating

January 30, 2014
In a world full of game playing people, goes one of our favorite sayings, God took pity and invented the empty smile.
This segues to our prior column on Bronx Democratic Boss Carl Heastie and his minions being mightily ticked off at west Bronx Senator Gustavo Rivera for his over-the-top support of Melissa Mark-Viverito in the Council Speaker’s race while the party machine backed - and lost with - Manhattan’s Dan Garodnick, only to be fed crumbs by winner Melissa in chairmanships and jobs.
We wrote that Boss Carl was angry enough to talk about backing a candidate against Gustavo, but softened it to thinking about letting Gustavo face reelection without party backing. Carl, of course, was reported furious that it leaked out to your humble ink-stained wretch.
Enter Gustavo, who called us to say he and Carl met and that everything was just hunky dory with them.