Here at Changing Bronx Politics (CBP), we are not surprised to hear that the so-called 'beloved' State Senator from the NW Bronx, the Honorable Gustavo Rivera, is in hot waters with Bronx County Boss Carl Heastie and the Bronx Dems.
BRONX DEMOCRATIC PARTY BOSS CARL HEASTIE: The Honorable Gustavo Rivera has had a tendency of going against the Party at every opportunity he gets. When Heastie and Bronx Dems. rallied behind Bill Thompson for Mayor last year, Honorable Rivera supported Christine Quinn, who came in 3rd place in the Bronx and citywide (Bill de Blasio came in first followed by Thompson).
And as if that was not enough, Honorable Gustavo Rivera decided to 'stick his noses' in the Speaker's race and supported Melissa Mark-Viverito vs the County's pick, Dan Garodnick, who ultimately conceded to Mark-Viverito. Honorable Gustavo Rivera might have scored some brownie points with Mark-Viverito and some of the progressives who supported her candidacy but locally, he burned his bridges with Party Boss and the entire organization. And if Mayor de Blasio has any say, he might not be as nice as Speaker Mark-Viverito was with her foes.
JEFF KLEIN: As if having the Party not-against-you-but-not-with-you is not enough, the Honorable Gustavo Rivera has acted as the 'pitbull' with no mouthguard, 'el alcahuete' of the Senate Democrats, against his colleague State Senator Jeff Klein. The Honorable Gustavo Rivera may think he has more 'cojones' than Klein but he is forgetting who is Jeff Klein and the immense power and clout he has in NYS politics. As they say in his homeland Puerto Rico, Honorable Gustavo Rivera 'esta abombao'. Klein is ready to put his mighty war chest to oust the Honorable Gustavo Rivera.
REV. RUBEN DIAZ, SR.: And let us add the Honorable Gustavo Rivera's latest insult to injury by mocking the heavy accent of another of his colleagues, outspoken Reverend State Senator Ruben Diaz, Sr.
JOSE RIVERA: It is no secret that former Bronx Party Chair, known to many as 'El Padrino' of Bronx politics, Jose Rivera (no relation to the Honorable) has very little, if any, interest in keeping the Honorable Gustavo Rivera acting as if he's the Godfather of the NW Bronx.
FERNANDO CABRERA: We al know that local Councilman Fernando Cabrera is no friend of the Honorable Gustavo Rivera. Both want to have control of the NW Bronx and both see each other as a threat, whether they admit it or not. Cabrera is even rumored to be one of the possible candidates looking to oust the Honorable Gustavo Rivera. Will Party Boss Heastie stay out it in this case? Remains to be seen.
DOMINICANS: The district which the Honorable Gustavo Rivera represents has a high concentration of Dominicans and while he does not like to admit it or has no interest in acknowledging this fact, they do matter. The Honorable Gustavo Rivera relied on former Assemblyman Nelson Castro (see below) to make him appeared Dominica-friendly, the Honorable Gustavo Rivera has very little respect for this group and we believe the feeling is mutual. He takes his Puertorican pride to a level we all know as arrogant. This will come back to haunt him.
ADRIANO ESPAILLAT: With State Senator Adriano Espaillat's likely challenge against Congressman Charles Rangel, we could safely assume that Senator Espaillat will need, seek and welcome the support of the Honorable Gustavo Rivera, who in turn, also needs Espaillat to again, re-introduce him as Dominican-friendly. In 2012, when Espaillat challenged, and almost won, Congressman Rangel, the Honorable Gustavo Rivera, once again, defied Bronx Party Boss Heastie who were supporting Rangel, and supported Espaillat for Congress. Word on the street was that the Honorable Gustavo Rivera only showed face when the candidate was in the area but the folks doing the hard work were Nelson Castro's team. We can attest that for better or worse, Castro himself was very active and visible in their efforts to elect the first Dominican-American to Congress. The Honorable Gustavo Rivera was, well, around.
ADRIANO ESPAILLAT: With State Senator Adriano Espaillat's likely challenge against Congressman Charles Rangel, we could safely assume that Senator Espaillat will need, seek and welcome the support of the Honorable Gustavo Rivera, who in turn, also needs Espaillat to again, re-introduce him as Dominican-friendly. In 2012, when Espaillat challenged, and almost won, Congressman Rangel, the Honorable Gustavo Rivera, once again, defied Bronx Party Boss Heastie who were supporting Rangel, and supported Espaillat for Congress. Word on the street was that the Honorable Gustavo Rivera only showed face when the candidate was in the area but the folks doing the hard work were Nelson Castro's team. We can attest that for better or worse, Castro himself was very active and visible in their efforts to elect the first Dominican-American to Congress. The Honorable Gustavo Rivera was, well, around.
NELSON CASTRO & VICTOR 'LEVERGATE' PICHARDO: Disgraced Assemblymember, who represented the NW section of the Bronx, was Rivera's base. While the Honorable Gustavo Rivera would probably deny it, it is of no secret that he never had or has a base established in the district he represents. The recent, and questionable, election of his protege Victor "Levergate" Pichardo means nothing since Pichardo is a newbie to Bronx politics and lacks a base as well.
PEDRO ESPADA: The Honorable Gustavo Rivera may not like to mention his name but we all know that even if a dog ran against the former, and imprisoned Senator, he (dog) would have won. So we urge the Honorable Gustavo Rivera to not think of himself so high and to make sure he knows he walks the same streets we do and lives on the same planet. Or does he?
It is clear that his days as the Honorable State Senator from the NW Bronx are numbered. Maybe he should start looking at trying out for American Idol.
Honorable Gustavo Rivera, our best wishes!