Sunday, December 29, 2013

En El Bronx Todos Se Preguntan: Donde Estuvo Adriano Espaillat?

Adriano Espaillat recientemente anunció su intención de disputar el escaño al veterano Charles Rangel y convertirse en el primer legislador federal de origen dominicano. 


Para nadie es un secreto que el Senador Epaillat solo ayuda a su anillo y nada mas (ojo: su equipo es muy trabajador y de nuestra admiración) pero para Espaillat, lo único que es importante para el es ADRIANO ESPAILLAT.

Ahora quiere que el Bronx le apoye y no podemos aplaudir una sola acción que sea merecedora de nuestro (la comunidad Dominicana del Bronx) apoyo.

Cuando el Dominicano Carlos Sierra se postulo para Concejal en el 2009 contra la entonces incumbente de origen afro-americana Helen Foster, donde estuvo Adriano Espaillat?

Cuando en el 2010 el también Dominicano Hector Ramirez se postulo contra el ahora ex-Asambleísta Nelson Castro, donde estuvo Adriano Espaillat?

Cuando mas reciente, en las primarias Demócratas del 10 de septiembre, se postularon varios reconocidos candidatos para el escaño de Castro, entre ellos Yudelka Tapia, Haile Rivera y el propio Hector Ramirez, donde estuvo Adriano Espaillat?

Cuando también en las pasadas primarias del Partido Demócrata, habían varios candidatos de origen Dominicano, como Manuel Lantigua, a Concejal por el Distrito 7, donde estuvo Adriano Espaillat? En este caso, Espaillat fue quien estuvo detrás del ganador, el judío Mark Levine

Ahora Espaillat (y sus seguidores) dicen que debemos de apoyarlo para "hacer historia," por que "nos toca" y "tener uno de los nuestros" en el Congreso. nuestra pregunta: por que Adriano Espaillat no trato de ayudar (de una u otra manera) aquellos Dominicanos que han tratado de ser Concejales y/o Asambleístas? Por que todos sabemos que a el solo le concierne a ADRIANO ESPAILLAT. 

Por este egoísmo no llegara a retirarse de la política/servicio publico de manera honrada. Es cuestión de tiempo que alguien con capacidad y apoyo diga "Espaillat, eh pa' fuera que va" por que como dice el dicho "no hay mal que dure 100 años" y en este caso, los días de espaillat están contados.

En llamadas a varias de las personas que mencionamos en esta nota, no hubo uno en confirmar su apoyo a la candidatura de Espaillat para el Congreso. Tampoco descartaron apoyarlo, si como dijo uno de los entrevistados "el le da la importancia que amerita". Otros confirmaron que aunque quizás no respalden a Espaillat, tampoco ayudarían al incumbente y legendario Congresista Charlie Rangel. En el caso de uno de los candidatos que aspiraron por el distrito 86 (donde gano el supuesto y desconocido Dominicano Victor Pichardo), la respuesta era "y que hizo Adriano por mi para apoyarlo a el? Ya con eso te dije mi respuesta." Pero si todos los entrevistados acordaron en desearle "buena suerte" para Adriano Espaillat.

También indagamos a personas cercanas al Partido Demócrata del Bronx y nos indicaron que según sus opiniones, el Partido Demócrata respaldaría nuevamente a la re-elección del Congresista Rangel.
En el 2012, cuando Espaillat se postulo en contra de Rangel por primera vez, el contó con el apoyo del entonces-Asambleísta Dominicano Nelson Castro, el Senador Estatal de origen puertorriqueño (Jose) Gustavo Rivera y la Lider Distrtital, Yudelka Tapia, tambien de origen Dominicana. Gracias a esta coalicion de apoyo, Espaillat logro ganarle a Rangel en el Bronx por 233 votos Esta por verse si estas personas estarán de nuevo con Espaillat en el 2014. 

Para culminar, 'Changing Bronx Politics' (Cambiando la Política del Bronx) decidio escribir sobre este tema por que el distrito para que aspira el Senador Espaillat esta compuesta por 30% del Bronx. 

Sin duda, el 2014 sera un año muy interesante para la política del Bronx, y en este caso, para los Dominicanos que residen aquí. 

Feliz Año Nuevo!


Monday, December 9, 2013

Concejal Mantiene Juego con Dios y con el Diablo

El Concejal Dominico-Boricua Fernando Cabrera 
Continua Jugando con Dios y con el Diablo

El Bronx -- Las acusaciones de posible soborno contra el Concejal y Reverendo Fernando Cabrera esta 'como papa caliente' en el Bronx y en las conversaciones politicas. Cabrera, quien representa la parte Noroeste del Bronx en el Concejo Municipal, ahora cambia, de nuevo, su posicion en cuanto al proyecto de convertor el Kingsbridge Armory al Centro Nacional de Patinaje. 

Aquí una cronología de la posición del Concejal Cabrera en torno al proyecto del Kingsbridge Armory:

Primero, es el único de todos los oficiales electos que cuando anunciaron su apoyo para la construcción de un proyecto de convertir el Armory al Centro Nacional de Patinaje, estuvo aislado.

Inline image 1Luego, cuando vino el Alcalde Bloomberg para una firma de acuerdo, acto realizado adentro del Armory, el Concejal Cabrera estuvo allí muy sonriente ante las cámaras.

Después, surge las acusaciones que este estuvo detrás de un plan macabro para obtener una suma de $9.9 millones del grupo de inversionistas que están apoyando al proyecto, para que el pueda darle su respaldo. Claro esta, la simple intención de querer sobornar a los inversionistas es un crimen federal. Aun existe la posibilidad que el Fiscal, ya sea del Bronx o del Estado de Nueva York, puedan darle seguimiento. 

Cabrera entonces dice que no es verdad y que le preocupa el trafico de vehículos/entaponamientos en la zona para os residentes ya que como esta, los estacionamientos están muy escazos y por lo tanto, no apoya al proyecto.

El 21 de Noviembre, Cabrera cambia de posición, de nuevo. En la Junta del Condado del Bronx, la cual es presidida por el Presidente del Bronx, Ruben Diaz, Jr., Cabrera apoya el proyecto. 

El Presidente Diaz, Jr. estuvó contento pues pensó que ya Cabrera estaba respaldando el proyecto. 

Sorpresa que se llevo Diaz, Jr. cuando el pasado jueves 5 del presente, Cabrera lo enfrenta (a Diaz, Jr.) en una audiencia realizada por el Sub-Comité del Uso de Tierra del Concejo Municipal. Cabrera incluso ataco a los activistas comunitarios que se unieron al proyecto y concluyo exhortandole a sus colegas en el Consejo a no aprobar el proyecto de patinaje. 

Nadie sabe que decisión tomaría el Concejal Cabrera el día de mañana pero si de algo se esta seguro es que su futuro político desde ya esta en peligro de extinción. Los comentarios entre los políticos del Bronx es que "ya la maquinaria esta buscando a quien apoyar para que se postule contra un traicionero" en las elecciones municipales del 2017. Aun es muy temprano para decir quien seria pero entre los que mas suenan están los activistas Yudelka Tapia y Hector Ramirez, ambos que ya se han postulados en reiteradas ocasiones a varias posiciones pero no han podido lograrlo. También suele a sonar Steve Santana, actual Líder Distrital, quien era y se mantiene como la mano derecha del ex-Asambleísta Nelson Castro. Claro esta, el Partido Demócrata del Bronx y el Presidente del Condado Ruben Diaz, Jr serán los que decidirán quien seria el contrincante con mejores posibilidades de enfrentar al Concejal Cabrera en el 2017.

En el 2014, se realizaran las elecciones Congresionales y como ya se ha publicado, el Senador Estatal del Alto Manhattan buscara de nuevo este escaño con el propósito de convertirse en el primer Congresista de origen Dominicano electo en la historia de los EEUU. Dichas elecciones se llevaran a cabo en Junio 2014, y el papel del Cabrera en esa contienda estaría por verse. En el 2012, cuando Espaillat se postuló para ese escaño en contra del actual Congresista Charlie Rangel, Cabrera le dio una 'galleta sin mano' a la candidatura de Espaillat ya que se esperaba que Cabrera respaldaría a quien le confirmo su Dominicanidad. Pero no fue así. Cabrera, y ya vemos que para este es una rutina, de ultimo minuto, respaldó a Rangel.

Según nos informan, el Senador Estatal Gustavo Rivera, quien si respaldo a Espaillat en el 2012, pueda que no este de su lado en esta ocasión pues de hacerlo, corre el peligro que el Partido Demócrata y el Presidente Ruben Diaz, Jr. no respalden su re-elección en Septiembre, cuando es muy probable que este (Gustavo Rivera) tenga un contrincante 'de peso fuerte'. 

Así que aun esta por verse que sucederá con el Concejal Y PASTOR Cabrera pero claro esta, sabemos que no puede seguir con Dios y con el Diablo! 

Tuesday, November 26, 2013

NY Daily News: "Councilman dodges allegations he tried to secure money from Kingsbridge Armory developer"

Councilman dodges allegations he tried to secure money from Kingsbridge Armory developer

; exp;

Rejects developer's charge that he pegged support for Kingsbridge National Ice Center to $100,000 a year, for 99 years, for a former nonprofit associated with his church.

The developers, through their attorney, said the councilman did try to secure such a deal as part of a community benefits agreement that the developer negotiated with an alliance composed of 27 local organizations.

Under that deal, the developer promised to set aside $1 million each year for 99 years to provide ice time to needy residents and groups, but the councilman was alleged to have demanded $100,000 of that money be redirected each year.

“A request from Councilman Cabrera, coming as it did from a sitting city council member who would ultimately vote on this project, was inappropriate in our view,” said William Brewer III, who is the lead counsel to KNIC Partners. He added that because Cabrera was affiliated with the group, and because it had lost its non-profit status, “the request was rejected out of hand.”

Cabrera, a minister, wouldn’t acknowledge that he made the request...

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Another Bronx Elected Official ALLEGEDLY Caught in POSSIBLE Corruption Scandal

Bronx Councilman ALLEGEDLY Asks $9.9M 
for Support of the Kingsbridge Armory Developer

In yet another twist in the quest to redevelop Kingsbridge Armory, the local City Councilman is reportedly withholding his support months after a failed attempt to extract a massive donation package for his personal charity.


Four sources, including two directly involved with CBA negotiations between the developer and 27 community organizations represented by the Kingsbridge Armory Redevelopment Alliance, said that after the deal was agreed upon, Cabrera tried to get KNIC to funnel $100,000 annually for the next 99 years to Community Action Unlimited, an organization he controls.

Friday, October 4, 2013

'Fiercely Independent Democrat' Sepulveda Wins - Heastie Looses - with de Blasio Victory

de Blasio Bronx Campaign Headquarters with wife on board.
Photo courtesy of
Bronx, New York --- On July 18th, Bill de Blasio, who was trailing in every poll in the Democratic Mayoral race, officially set up shop here in the Bronx. Campaign headquarters was located at 1512 Castle Hill Avenue, also the home of the Roselyn Johnson Democratic Club of the 87th Assembly District. As you may know, the 87th Assembly District is represented by the 'fiercely independent' Assemblyman Luis Sepulveda, who was also the first elected, and of the very few, Bronx elected officials to not fall in line with the Bronx Democratic Party and endorsed de Blasio early (April 21st, 2013 to be exact).

To many, including some of us here at CBP, it was a surprise that Bill Thompson, the candidate of the Bronx Dems., lost in pretty much every Assembly District, including in the AD that is represented by the Chair of the Bronx Dems. Honorable Carl Heastie, where Thompson lost by 1,068 votes. No doubt this was an embarrassment for Heastie and the Bronx Democratic Party. This is not the first time they rally behind a loosing candidate. 

We must congratulate the Bronx Dems. for getting behind Letitia James for Public Advocate and Scott Stringer for Comptroller (both won the Democratic primaries). 

Over in the NW Bronx, State Senator Gustavo Rivera (surprisingly) endorsed Christine Quinn for Mayor. We say surprisingly because if he was as smart as he sometimes professes, he would have known that Quinn never stood a chance of winning, in the Bronx or citywide. In his district, she came a very distant 3rd. This is definitely not a good sign of Senator Rivera's 'leadership" and one wonders if the fact that he no longer has former and now-disgraced Assemblyman Nelson Castro by his side reflects the Senator's real lack of leadership in his district. We will have to wait and see as his re-election nears in 2014.

Assemblyman Sepulveda Endorses de Blasio for Mayor (April 21, 2013)
Photo credit:
The winner here is Honorable Luis Sepulveda. He jumped on board with de Blasio very early and while many, including Bronx Borough President Ruben Diaz, Jr., Heastie and State Senator Gustavo Rivera (more on him below) tried in vain to change his mind, Sepulveda stuck to his guns and again, demonstrated why he has consider himself a 'fiercely independent Democrat'. Of course, once Thompson was out, Heastie and the Bronx Dems. jumped on the de Blasio victory train. 

Congrats to Sepulveda who lest we not forget might be next in line to be the Bronx Democratic Chair (definitely earned brownie points with the soon-to-be Mayor).

Dear Friends,

We are delighted to announce that after taking an extended vacation, Changing Bronx Politics (CBP) is back. 

So much to write about. From the Mayoral race to that shady race in the 86th Assembly District to the 'Derek Jeter' signature sof Councilwoman Maria del Carmen Arroyo. Uff, so much indeed!

Lets begin with the Mayoral race, who supported who and who lost/won in The Bronx.

Saturday, February 2, 2013

Bronx 15th. If Not Radame, WHO?

February 2, 2013

So last week, we received an email from Radame Perez indicating he WILL NOT be seeking the seat that is being vacated by current Councilman Joel Rivera (I think everyone at this point knows, Joel is term-limited and thus unable to seek same seat).

While we believed that Perez would have been the most viable candidate, we respect his decision and wish him continued success in his business and many congrats on the soon-to-arrive birth of twins.

Now, let us look at the other possible candidates.

First, there has been strong rumors that current Executive Director of the Bronx Democratic Party Ischia Bravo is (possibly) interested. Bravo has expressed strong interest (among her close friends) that she would like to run for State Assembly seat held by the former Chair of the Bronx Dems and Joel's father, Jose Rivera. As Bravo prepared for possible race (against Goliath), the elder Rivera proved to be wiser than the mid-30s single mom by making sure that the final lines of the district removed Bravo's residence (more details on that here). Clever, clever, clever!

In the 15th, IF she decides to throw her hat in the already-crowded race, it is obvious that Bravo will enjoy the support of the Bronx political establishment. This could, however, stir the pot that eventually brought down the former Chair (Jose Rivera) since there are two candidates of Dominican descent that have already declared (or have been fundraising for this), Yudelka Tapia and Raquel Batista, both Dominican-Americans. On a side note, we heard that Bravo had a tantrum at the last meeting of the Bronx Young Democrats last week, when one of the attendees raised an issue dealing with parking in the neighborhood (by Montefiore Hospital). We suppose she may have taken offense (do not see how or why) but our sources confirmed that she went on for a good five-minutes talking about how "we need to be the change we want to see" and talking (or was it shouting?) about residents joining the community boards, which we know they are becoming less and less meaningful in terms of affecting "change" in our communities. Bravo, if in fat you had a tantrum because a concern raised by one of the residents, then you have no idea what you're getting yourself into. Be careful...and always smile!

We doubt this is something Chairman Carl Heastie is concerned with (at least for now) but we must keep in mind that this was, and we repeat, what eventually led to a revolt by some a few years ago that allowed for Heastie to be where he is today. Something to keep in mind.

In the event that Bravo decides it is also not her time, Tapia (current District Leader in the 86th Assembly District) would probably have a better chance of being the party's favorite. Tapia however, has a few problems of her own. First, she needs to account for a little over $70,000 that she spent but has no receipts to account for, which could mean she needs to raise enough to pay this amount to the Campaign Finance Board AND then for the campaign. This if she wants to qualify for matching funds which from her fundraising history, she NEEDS in order to stand a chance of winning. With only a few months to go, she better get going. Second, this is not her first or second or third time she makes a run for office, and lost. The saying of try until you get there is not really applicable in politics, or Bronx politics at least. One can only wonder until when will her supporters continue to invest in failed campaigns. Finally, Tapia does not reside in the district (which is OK to run since the district lines were recently redrawn due to figures from the Census). The 86th Assembly District only covers like 10% (maybe) of the 15th Council District she's trying to represent so to most voters, she's a complete stranger. Nonetheless, she is a very strong candidate who probably is more aware of the issues affecting the community.

Albert Alvarez, Joel's Chief of Staff, has also put his name in the mix. However, he did not report any fundraising and for those who have had the opportunity to speak and mingle with Alvarez, we know he is not a politician, or anything close to that. Definitely a great Chief of Staff but his prospects of seeking AND winning public office are very very slim. Even if his boss decides to support him, at this point in the game, it will prove very challenging for Alvarez to raise enough to become a viable candidate. However, if Heastie, Bravo and the Bronx Party throws its support behind him, he then stands a chance.

William Rivera may have the same last name as the current office holder but that may not be enough for him. Or it may be. The district has a high population of seniors who for the last twenty years, have been voting for a Rivera. This is likely to get him a few hundred or thousand votes. But his ability to fundraise and lack of community connections may prevent him from either getting on the ballot or elected in September.

Finally, there's Raquel Batista. Batista is sort of a newcomer in Bronx politics. She's more known in the circles of Washington Heights. We were (and remain) surprised that Batista decided to jump in the race as well since by doing so, she hinders the chances of Tapia. Is Batista out to make sure her fellow countrywoman (Tapia) is not elected? This is only one of the rumors out and about in Bronx and Washington Heights circles. One can only wonder why Batista believes she's a stronger candidate than Tapia given that the latter is well-established in Bronx politics.

The 'dimes y diretes' are ongoing folks. Let's see who Heastie and the Bronx Democratic (?) Party decides to support. It might prove wise to avoid the possibility of accusations that the Bronx Democratic Party is an anti-Dominican machine and go with Tapia. Only Heastie and his inner circle can decide that.

As always, we encourage you to share and comment in our posts. We apologize for not being more active but like everyone else, we also have other things to do!

*Note: Apologies for any typos.

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

2013 shaping to be exciting year for Bronx City Council Candidates

January 16, 2013

What do these individuals have in common: Albert Alvarez, Pedro Alvarez (not related to previous), Ralina Cardona, Walter Newsome, William Rivera, Carlos Sierra, Yudelka Tapia, Raquel Batista and Felipe De Los Santos?

In case you did not, all these individuals are registered candidates for office. While many are under "undetermined"- meaning they have not declared for which district they are running for - some have made public statements of their intentions. In some cases, it's juts what we hear on the streets.

We will do a quick rundown of who they are although we admit, some we have no idea who they are so we will just say "information not available".

Albert Alvarez: has been Chief of Staff to Councilman/Majority Leader Joel Rivera, who represents the 15th Council District since 2001. We are assuming that Albert will be seeking to replace his boss. His first reporting shows he raised $2,511 and spent $116.

William Rivera: Rivera has declared he's running for the 15th Council District, same district Albert Alvarez is seeking. His first reporting shows he raised a mere $300 and spent zero.

Ralina Cardona: Ralina is a respected community activist in the South Bronx. She's also the New York State Director of the League of United Latin American Citizens, also known as LULAC. It sis believed she will be running in the newly-ran 8th District, which is represented by Counilwoman Melissa Mark-Viverito. 30% of the district are Bronx voters so given that she's a known Bronxite, she has a real shot at the seat. Her first reporting shows she raised $5,550 with $0 spent. 

Pedro Alvarez: Pedro is known in some local circles due to his support of candidates in the past. He is a tax-preparer who runs P. Alvarez & Associates located at 23 East 170th Street (corner of Townsend Ave). In 2009, Alvarez supported Carlos Sierra (see below) for City Council. From what we hear, he's running for District 15. His first reporting shows he raised $6,310 and spent $1,499.

Walter Newsome: According to his Linkedin page, Newsome served as an "Elected Official at Bronx Democratic County Committee," "Project Manager at Wilson Elser" and "Special Projects Coordinator at The Office of the District Attorney" in the Bronx.    

Like, Pedro Alvarez, he is running for the 16th Council District, which is currently    

represented by term-limited Councilwoman Helen Foster.  His first reporting shows he raised zero and spent zero.

Felipe De Los Santos: De Los Santos is Project Manager at HHH Continuum of Care. His Linkedin page also mentions he served as an "Intern/Assistant to Special Counsel at New York State Senate." De Los Santos is also running for District 16, hence his slogan "Team 16."

Last month, ran this story where De Los Santos was quoted and you can say, profiled to some extent. He has put out an 8-minute video which he discusses his campaign. You can see video here

According to the article on, De Los Santos is a law student at Seton Hall University, a resident of nearby Riverdale from Dominican parents. If he remains committed, and could raise some cash, De Los Santos' campaign could change how we do politics in the Bronx. He does have an uphill battle but determination is what matters. 

Carlos Sierra: Sierra is making a second try to represent the residents of the 16th Council District. In 2009, he ran a very low-budget campaign and despite lacking any significant support from any union, groups or elected officials, Sierra received an impressive 37% of the votes vs Councilwoman Foster. One would think that given such impressive numbers in 2009, Sierra would be the leading or favorite candidate of the Bronx Democratic Party. However, this is not the case. Unlike the last time around, there will be more than one Hispanic candidate on the ballot (assuming Pedro Alvarez, William Rivera and Felipe De Los Santos are able to get on the ballot).  In his first reporting, Sierra raised $14,805 and spent $779. We must admit, Sierra did pretty well for himself. To his benefit, there's no incumbent on the ballot so we'll see what happens in the coming months. We suggest he seeks a professional consultant, an experience and known Campaign Manager and work his neighborhood.  

Raquel Batista: Batista served as Vice President, Corporate Responsibility and Compliance  for Vantage Properties. Prior to this position, she served as Executive Director of the Northern Manhattan Coalition for Immigrant Rights. She's also joining the crowded field of candidates in the 15th Council District (like Albert Alvarez, William Rivera & Yudelka Tapia - see below).

Batista is not a party insider or soldier. She has been making the rounds of several events of the Bronx Democratic Party but our sources within the party tell us that she's really someone who they have no relationship with.  

In her first reporting, Batista raised an impressive $20,005 and spent $1,106. For someone who is said to not be known or having any relationships with the community, this is definitely an impressive amount of money raised. In fact, Batista out-raised all the other potential candidates. $20,000 makes a very strong statement and gives credibility to Batista's campaign.

Yudelka Tapia: Tapia has also decided to run for the 15th Council District. Although she resides in the 14th, Tapia is taking advantage of redistricting (which permits candidates to run for any district even if they do not reside in them) and this has caused some party officials to wonder if Tapia will be seeking office every time an election comes around. This is the fourth time Tapia seeks office. She has been a candidate for Assembly once and for City Council twice. She might get lucky this time around. If she's unsuccessful, Tapia might need to consider another career in politics. 

In her first filing, she reported $16,178 in donations and spent $3,543, mostly in attorneys handling her case. As Bronx Times Boro Beat reporter Bob Kappstatter reported in his October 25th, 2012 column, "Yudelka COULD run, but without new matching funds unless she pays off $47,774 in fines and repays or accounts for $59,930 out of the original $78,828 in matching funds."

It is no doubt that Tapia is considered a loyalist of Bronx Democratic Party Chairman Carl Heastie and loyal supporter of Bronx Borough President Ruben Diaz, Jr. However, such loyalty and friendship has not been able to elect her into office (except District Leader in the 86th Assembly District).

Tapia might want and need to ask for the endorsement of State Senator Adriano Espaillat, since she oversaw the Bronx operations for Espaillat's 2012 unsuccessful Congressional campaign.

Two other individuals that did not show any filings with the Campaign Finance Board but that have surfaced as possible candidates in the 15th Council District are Radame Perez, supermarket owner/successful real-estate developer and Ischia Bravo, Executive Director of the Bronx Democratic Party

This is it folks...for now! 2013 is definitely shaping to be an exciting year for us Bronxites. We wish all candidates the best. 

Hope you found our analysis useful and if you feel we have made an error, feel free to comment. We will publish everyone's comments. 

Rangel NEVER has nor will he EVER care about The Bronx

January 10, 2013
By Bob Kappstatter - Boro Beat / Bronx Times 

Where’s Charlie? Rangel working on putting one foot in new Bronx territory

With a redistricted western swath of the Bronx now making up a big 26% chunk of his 15th Congressional District, you’d think Charlie Rangel might want to put down some local roots.
But he still hasn’t set up a borough district office, or designated a community representative to deal with Bronx constituents.
Even his website gives the borough short shrift, stating “Outside the borough of Manhattan, the Fifteenth stretches to include a small area of the Bronx....” READ COMPLETE COLUMN HERE

Board of Elections Should be turned over to the Mayor

January 3, 2013

By Bob Kappstatter - Boro Beat / Bronx Time

City Board of Elections still leaderless

Two years after the departure in disgrace of its last executive director, the city Board of Elections is still without a replacement, who given the board’s inner political workings, is supposed to be a Democrat from the Bronx. READ COMPLETE COLUMN HERE

This is why CBP suggests elections are held for Community Board membership

By Bob Kappstatter - Boro Beat / Bronx Time

Boro Prez Diaz takes hits on two community board votes

Borough President Ruben Diaz Jr. took two political torpedos last week - both in one night.
Soundview/Parkchester Community Board 9 district manager Francisco Gonzalez dodged a board vote to dump him by only two votes, despite Ruben’s behind-the-scenes maneuvering.
Then Community Board 11 in Morris Park/Allerton voted down Ruben and Councilman Jimmy Vacca’s candidate for new board chairman. READ COMPLETE COLUMN HERE

What is Senator Diaz Purpose with such wishlist?

By Hunter Walker - NY Politicker

Ruben Diaz Rings in the New Year With Jabs at the State Senate and ‘Uncle Tom’ Malcolm Smith

State Senator Ruben Diaz sent a special New Year’s-themed edition of his regular “What You Should Know” email newsletters this morning. In his year-end missive, Mr. Diaz took a series of shots at the State Senate with backhanded “political wishes” for the new IDC/GOP leadership coalition, “Uncle Tom” State Senator Malcolm Smith and State Senator Adriano Espaillat. READ COMPLETE ARTICLE